Amanda and Tim’s Wedding

atp wedding Straughan photography

Location: Red Coral Ranch, Wimberly TX

Amanda and Tim’s wedding took place at the beautiful  Red Coral Ranch in Wimberly, TX. This fun, country wedding was just perfect for July. Wimberly Catering provided refreshing lemonade and delicious food.

Amanda red coral ranch wedding couple at sunset

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding red barnAmanda Red Coral Ranch wedding dress in tree

The red barn is really cute.

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding dress on bedAmanda Red Coral Ranch wedding back of chairs

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding with dress

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding hair in dressAmanda Red Coral Ranch wedding bridesmaid looking at bride

Her hair got caught in the dress and the looks on their faces were classic.

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding dad looking at groomAmanda Red Coral Ranch wedding tying the knot

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding vows

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding kissAmanda Red Coral Ranch wedding walking down the aisle

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding party in the trees

Amanda Red Coral Ranch party being silly

Love the silliness in the back!

Amanda Red Coral Ranch couple photo formalAmanda Red Coral Ranch couple Amanda's hand

Amanda Red Coral Ranch couple photo looking at SunsetAmanda Red Coral Ranch sunset look

Amanda Red Coral Ranch wedding sunset kiss

Amanda Red Coral Ranch couple photo sillouette at SunsetAmanda Red Coral Ranch couple photo dipping at Sunset

Amanda Red Coral Ranch couple looking in barn

Peeking into the reception hall.

Amanda Red Coral Ranch couple in hall kiss

Amanda Red Coral Ranch couple rings

Amanda Red Coral Ranch cake

Loved this cake table; the mismatched china was really cute.

Amanda Red Coral Ranch cake cutting

Amanda Red Coral Ranch cake feeding

Amanda Red Coral Ranch cake kiss

Amanda Red Coral Ranch toasting

Amanda Red Coral Ranch cheers

Amanda Red Coral Ranch first dance bw

Amanda Red Coral Ranch first dance laughinhAmanda Red Coral Ranch dancing dip

Amanda Red Coral Ranch dads dance

Amanda Red Coral Ranch sparkler heart

We had a lot of fun with the sparklers! The sparklers were from They are based here in San Antonio.

Amanda Red Coral Ranch sparkler circle

Check out the amazing video by Dayna at Stella Haus Productions